Beacon Meaning In Urdu

Beaconروشن مینار

Beacon Meaning In Roman

BeaconRoshan Minaar

Beacon Meaning In Hindi




Synonyms/Similar Words

  • bonfire
  • signal
  • fire
  • alarm
  • warning
  • flare
  • inspiration
  • flare
  • encouragement
  • sign

Antonyms/Opposite Words

  • disadvantage 
  • deficit 
  • fuse 
  • saddle 
  • lodge

In a sentence, the word Beacon is used as:

  1. A radio beacon guided the plane in.
  2. The radio beacon has been located by Plane F 103.
  3. Something that makes use of all of the energy it receives and operates as the ultimate homing beacon.
  4. The ship’s mission was to light a beacon for the shoals.
  5. For those travelling west, the arch serves as a beacon.
  6. For the younger generation, he was a beacon of hope.

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