Ya Haleemu Meaning in Urdu

Ya Haleemuاللہ بہت معاف کرنے والا، بہت بردبار، پرسکون رہنے والا، نہایت مہربان اور پر سکون ہے۔

Ya Haleemu Meaning In Roman Urdu

Ya HaleemuAllah Buhat Muaf Karne Wala, Buhat Burdbaar, Pursukoon rehne Wala, Nihayat Meharban Hai.

Ya Haleemu Meaning In Hindi

Ya Haleemuअल्लाह प्राय: क्षमाशील, अत्यन्त सहनशील, शांत रहने वाला, अत्यन्त दयालु और निर्मल है

Haleem is derived from the root Haa-laam-meem, which has three major connotations. The first meaning is to be patient, tolerant, and forgiving, while the second is to be peaceful and tranquil. The third key meaning is to not be hasty and to exercise restraint.

In two derivative forms, this root appears 21 times in the Quran. Ahlaamin (dreams), al-huluma (puberty), ahlaamuhum (their minds), and haleemin are examples of these types (forbearing).

In terms of linguistics, the notion of hilm relates to the patience that emerges from a sense of deep tranquilly and lenience, whereas the concept of sabr refers to the patience that arises from self-control and the ability to endure things without complaining. Observing disobedience to Him, Al-Haleem does not become enraged, nor does wrath seize Him, nor does haste and recklessness cause Him to rush to exact vengeance, despite the fact that He is fully capable of doing so. [Al-Ghazali]

Al-Haleem himself says that if you make a good loan to Allah, He would multiply it and pardon you. And Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing [Quran, 64:17]. [2:225 in the Quran]

Why does Al-Haleem put off punishing you?

And if Allah were to punish people for what they have earned, He would not leave any creature on the earth, says Al-Haleem. He does, however, grant them a temporary reprieve. [35:45 in the Quran] Because Al-Haleem is forgiving, He might postpone a penalty to give you time to repent, seek forgiveness, and amend your ways. He has the power to completely remove your penalty. Isn’t Al-Haleem demonstrating His love for us in a wonderful way?

The people’s hilm versus Allah’s hilm

Imagine being discovered doing something wrong, yet the person overlooks it and does not reprimand or humiliate you. Would you feel embarrassed, relieved, and appreciative if you told them you wouldn’t do it again and thanked them for their patience? What about Allah, for example? Every day, we do things we shouldn’t, and most of the time, God forgives us. Because He is Al-Haleem, His hilm is far more than any human being’s patience.

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